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Magellan 800i omnidirectional presentation scanner
Magellan 800i
The Magella 800i omnidirectional presentation scanner is a versatile data collection tool for many applications. It uses Datalogic ADC's latest digital imaging technology to provide intuitive and fast reading of 1D and 2D bar codes as well as supporting more advanced features like image capture and EAS tag deactivation. Despite its small size, the Magellan 800i reader provides big performance and reliability along with a rich feature set to provide excellent value in virtually any data collection system.
Improve your productivity and expand your data collection possibilities at the POS and beyond with the versatile Magellan 800i omnidirectional presentation scanner .
- Aggressive performance on 1D and 2D codes increases productivity
- Powerful Advanced Data Editing for custom host output
- No moving parts for improved reliability
- Illumix™ intelligent illumination technology for reading bar codes from mobile phones or laptops
- Ergonomically designed for hands-free or handheld operation
- Checkpoint Systems EAS and Interlock compatible